Disruption Ahead for Home Construction
Protecting the Environment today by leveraging innovation that performs into the Future

Innovations for Industry Transformation1
Optimizing the User Experience
- Provide quality, performance, design, sales, and sense of community
Mass Customization
- Integrating exterior/interior choices into product offering
Software as a Service Aggregator
Digitalization of the building and all key systems to provide:
- World class design
- Construction document management
- Bill of materials for accurate bidding and invoice control
- Construction instructions
- Coordination of scheduling and many other services
Offsite Construction
Advanced technologies and benefits include:
- Minimal waste and improved quality
- Reduced cycle time
- Reduced trade work
- Reduced rework
- Lower cost at scale
Innovative Panel Home Construction offers Fast, Efficient, Cost-Effective way to frame out house allowing finishes to be completed any time of the year
Guardian Shield Panel System maximizes modular panel construction efficiencies while providing enhanced physical and performance characteristics.
Factors overcome through panelization are depicted in this graphic.

Home Affordability is Low and there is Pent-up Demand:

Source: 1960-2000 Decennial Censuses and 2008, 2010 and 2017 American Community Surveys
Growing gap between home price and income:
$144,192Average household income needed to afford a home in 2021.
> 2xMedian household income of $69,178.
Source: Clever Real Estate
Market Challenges for Builder and Owner
Large backlog of home buyers:
- Single-family home construction is running at slowest pace since 1995 3
- We are 2.7 years behind 2
- PRICING is key reason for limited supply of for sale homes 2
- The widening gap between income and home pricing is NOT SUSTAINABLE
- The Price-Income Gap is a potential problem – but it is also an opportunity
- The U.S. is short 5.24 million homes (an increase of 1.4m in just last 2 years)
Study by McKinsey & Company between construction and manufacturing industries 4
- Productivity lagging 170%
- Stunning $200 billion labor productivity gap
- $177.5 billion costs by time spent on nonoptimal activities
1 Housing 2.0, A Disruption Survival Guide by Sam Rashkin
2 Zillow - Home builders are still playing catchup during construction boom - Dec 3, 2021 (mediaroom.com)
3 America is short more than 5 million homes, study says (cnbc.com)
4 McKinsey & Company: Modular construction: from projects to products
The advanced Guardian Shield™ Panel System addresses today’s unique concerns for two important markets within the construction industry:
Residential – New and Upgraded
- Affordable single-family housing
- Multi-family housing
- Townhouse/Condominium
- Apartment/Cooperative
- Innovative Custom Homes
- ADUs – Accessory Dwelling Unit
- Up to 5 stories Structural Support
- Multi-use Construction/Hospitals/Hotels
- Commercial Buildings
- Controlled Environment Agriculture
- Sound and Production Studios
- Food Production/Cold Storage Facilities
ShieldTM Panels’ Transformative Powers
When Compared to Conventionally Built Home – Shield™ Panels have:
Reduction of up to 10% in total costs of construction
Built in 20% to 35% less time (a typical 2000 sq. ft. home can be under roof in 2 to 3 days)
Public demanding energy efficient homes (net-zero and passive homes)
- Shield Panel Homes use 75% to 85% less energy (and that is before solar is added)
- Save 20 full-grown Douglas Fir trees for every 1,000 square feet of traditional structure
- Environmentally friendlier
- Jobsite waste substantially reduced and less transportation carbon impact
- Components are 100% recyclable material
- Panels are non-toxic and contain no chlorofluorocarbons or hydrofluorocarbons
- Improved air quality within home meeting top AQI (Air Quality Index) requirements
Panels are absent any nutritional value and thermo-sealed.
- Built so there will be no water damage, now or in the future
- Panels are strong
- No pest or termite damage
- No fungi
- No mold
- No micro-organisms can grow
- Durable - won’t rot, warp, crack or creep
Enhanced Durability
- Impact Resistance
- Wildfire Resistance
- Wind Resistance - Engineered up to 185 mph
Improved Quality
- Factory Precision Engineering and Dimensional Accuracy
- Air-Tightness Test Guaranteed Pass
- Fresh Air System
- Zero Comfort Complaints
With ShieldTM Panels Builders Can:
Deliver a product their customers can afford
Find solutions to growing trade shortages
Improve industry-worst productivity level
Embrace digital innovation to optimize the customer’s experience